Pricing Overview | CanvasPop Photo Printing API


It's absolutely free!

Our Photo Printing API is 100% free to use. There is no monthly charge, just integrate and start making money!

Below are some common questions we see with regards to our pricing model.

How much can I make?
Wholesale Cost Your Profit* Customer Pays
$50.00 + $15.00 = $65.00
*You keep all profits less a 3% transaction processing fee
Markup Percentage:
This table is an example of how the markup may be calculated. It is by no means exactly the pricing being calculated. Please refer to the Products page within the admin panel for more exact results
CanvasPop provides our API partners with the best wholesale pricing on the market. You get to decide how much you make from there. We default your pricing markup to 30% when your account is created. Just send us an email at if you would like to change your markup.
How do I get paid?
CanvasPop will remit your earnings on the 15th of every month. Payments will be sent via cheque by courier. Please contact if you have any payment related concerns.

Have a question that is not listed here? Email us at and we'll help find an answer as quickly as we can.